These are the world's most inspiring impact-driven businesses...

  • Because they make great things happen in the world...

    ... every time they do business

  • And they measure their positive impact on the world...

    ... to be fully accountable


the businesses in the book

This book celebrates inspirational impact-driven businesses from across the world.


Collectively they have already provided over 20 million days of help to tackle the biggest problems facing humanity and the planet.


Individually they are showing inspirational leadership and accountability. They are proving that we can all make a profound difference. And they are inviting us to follow their lead.






the book was written

In late 2020 Steve Pipe and Paul Dunn published a ground-breaking book that, in the words of one reviewer, set out “a brilliantly clear and simple path for turning your business into a force for good”.


The step-by-step guide it contained was loved by everyone who read it.


But many readers were also hungry for more examples.And that is where this book comes in.



the businesses were chosen

Every single one of the impact-driven businesses in The world’s most inspiring businesses is a shining example because they:

  1. Make great things happen in the world every time they do business
  1. And measure their positive impact on the world in order to be fully accountable

Their leadership is showing us a better way - what it is possible to achieve as a ‘Business for Good’. 



format the book is in

To encourage and celebrate ever more inspirational businesses, The world’s most inspiring businesses will be updated and published annually.


The 2021 edition will be published exclusively online.


All subsequent editions will be published in both digital and physical formats.


... and what makes them so inspirational



It’s really quick and easy. 

You can even nominate yourself. 

And obviously there is no cost




